
BMF Season 3 Episode 10 Finale “Prime Time”

BMF Season 3 Episode 10, “Code Red,” was released on Friday, May 10, 2024! The finale episode made us hold our breath for an extra week, but it was worth it.

Based on the synopsis, Meech and Terry return to Atlanta, only to have their American Dream nearly slip away when authorities are tipped off about their recent Miami operation. Determined to protect their hard-earned gains, the brothers team up to reclaim everything and plan an expansion to St. Louis and other cities, using Miami as a central hub. To bolster their supply, they journey to Mexico, gearing up for one of their most exciting adventures yet.

Here’s a quick summary of the drama that unfolded in the finale episode…

Remy Ransom stole Meech’s stash vans from the impound. Oddly, instead of chasing after his ops, he lets them go. 🤔 (The continuity in BMF is starting to get ridiculous!)

Meech didn’t chase after his weight because he knew Remy couldn’t penetrate the safes inside the cars. So, he met with Sharpe to circumvent Remy.

Meech got his vans back but Remy and his crew ambushed the meeting! Meech and his crew escaped with the vans and weight…

Meech made a bold move to pull Remy’s crew inside BMF, cutting him out of Techwood at gunpoint.

Later that night, Remy was shot in the head by a mystery gunman!

Henri’s Demise

Henri felt she was a man and shaved her head as the last in her transition…

Terry heard about Hoop getting shot and raced to Detroit, vowing to avenge him and murder Henri himself!

(Did y’all notice Terry’s classic Pelle leather jacket or Meech’s Gucci fit? Get more outfit ideas from our Fashion hub!)

Det. Jin told her former partner’s father, Councilman Ambersome, about her crusade to bust Henri. Little did Jin know, Ambersome crossed her and told Blaze, who then informed Henri!

Henri tried to kill Jin, but she got away, leading to a shootout with Bryant. Henri was shot in the leg but got away.

Blaze was livid with Henri, stripping her of her illicit organization. After a tongue-lashing, Henri shot and killed her father!

The ordeal was being recorded by Jin’s secret bug she planted. The police raided and arrested Henri. Jin and Bryant informed Henri of their scheme to bust the restless dealer!

Terry witnessed Henri’s arrest. He wanted to take her out but realized how he was operating in Meech’s shadows because no one would see him coming. Later on, Terry had Henri shanked in prison, where she died.

Let’s Be Friends

Unfortunately, Charles and Lucille finally signed the divorce papers. Charles was forced to move out, and Lucille visited Dr. Maurice, and they finally made love.

Lucille felt Maurice was a blessing from God. Maurice confessed that he had been engaged for two years. Lucille was livid and immediately left!

Lucille returned home and told Charles things didn’t work out with Maurice. He was ready to accept her back, but she decided they would be “friends,” and he accepted. Lucille finally accepted the position of assistant pastor. Charles left to follow his dream on a music tour.

BMF Takes Over the ATL

One week later, Meech united crews in Missouri, Alabama, Ohio, Michigan, and Georgia in the BMF crew. Atlanta served as their distribution hub, and the RED DOGS couldn’t find any drugs on dealers.

Meech and the BMF crew celebrate in the BMF Season 3 Episode 10 Finale

Meech and the BMF crew celebrate in the BMF Season 3 Episode 10 Finale

Meech had weight in more than five states. He planned to take over the nation. The BMF brothers ran into Mr. Prime Time (Deon Sanders) himself and received some great advice from the NFL/MLB superstar. (Think it happened in real life? Let us know!)

When things were shaping up for Meech, they got a visit from their plug’s number two. Loco got pinched in Mexico, and he needed Meech’s help, so the BMF leaders left immediately to help break him out of jailTell us what you think of the BMF finale and what’s in store for the next season!

I know your number one question is… will there be a BMF season 4? Starz has not yet confirmed the fourth season. Stay right here, stay myxed in for the announcement!

P.S. Did you peep the fly 90’s fashion in this episode? Meech tracksuits and Jordan 4s. Want more fly outfit recommendations? Check out Alexus Renee’s fashion recommendations!

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Photo credit: Starz Media Entertainment

About the Author
Sir Anthony is the Managing Director and Chief Editor of Celebrity Myxer. He has nearly two decades of experience as a journalist and is an expert content writer.

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